Guest post from Lorraine Bukilica, M.A.
Speech Pathologist
Aspire Speech and Learning Center

All parents want their children to do well in school. But what do you think is the most important thing parents can do with their preschooler to help them be successful? That one thing would be to READ to them. Statistics show that children read to, learn to read at an earlier age and also progress in overall language skills. By making the reading link-up when children are young, they reap the benefits that last a lifetime. What are the advantages of reading to your child?
1. Books expose children to new vocabulary words. In a book like “Brown Bear”, concepts of colors and animals abound. Concept books of shapes, colors, numbers and picture books of opposites, animals, etc. also can be used to build vocabulary skills.
2. When listening to stories, children learn how words are put together into sentences. They are exposed to the rhythm of language. They are exposed to the grammar that is used. By hearing sentences repeated in stories and conversations, children begin to develop in their own use of sentences and expand their language skills.
3. Reading to a child stimulates imagination and ignites curiosity. A book opens the door to the world. When a child has a certain interest, parents can promote that learning through the introduction of several books on that topic, whatever that may be.
4. When parents talk about stories and engage in conversation, they help their children develop thinking skills. Asking a question about the story read, “Did the girl find her cat” or “What would you feed your doggie? “Where would you like to go on a trip?” This helps them recall what was read to them as well as giving them ideas to think about.
5. Being read to can help build better attending skills. Initially a parent may just look at the pictures or talk about what it on the page in the book without reading the words. As the preschooler matures, they may learn to sit for longer periods as the story is read with better focus to the task.

6. Reading to children has another benefit, an emotional one. Children especially enjoy the special time shared with a parent as well as the story telling event. Remember, children spell love…TIME. A cozy snuggle with mom or dad and a good book each night is a wonderful way to end the day and build stronger family times.
Lorraine Bukilica, M.A.
Speech Pathologist
Aspire Speech and Learning Center
For some book ideas for your child, check out this article from Time Magazine: